Membership Code

Our Membership Code lays out the rules and ways for becoming a Sḵwx̱wú7mesh Member based on our laws and traditions.

Originally developed in 1987, it was updated in 2000 and 2013.

Election & Referendum Law

On December 18, 2018, Nexwsxwníw̓ntm ta Úxwumixw (Council) voted to formally approve and accept the decision of Members in the referendum on election reform that took place December 6, 2018. This approval marked the most significant and comprehensive change to the Nation’s elections and governance since 1981, and came into effect at the General Election on September 26, 2021.

  • Seven elected Councillors plus one elected Chairperson (instead of sixteen elected Councillors, with two Co-Chairs elected internally by Councillors);
  • Designated Councillors to represent the Squamish Valley, the North Shore, and outside of our communities;
  • A ban on outside money in candidate campaigns, including a ban on union or corporate donations;
  • Candidacy requirements to be eligible to run; and
  • A new initiative whereby Members can call a referendum on subjects of their choosing.

Election & Referendum Law (approved by Membership on December 6, 2018)

Election & Referendum Regulation (approved by Membership on November 5, 2019)

Electoral Commission

Drug and Alcohol Free Zones On-Reserve

To promote and support more family-friendly environments on-reserve, in 2016 Nexwsxwníw̓ntm ta Úxwumixw (Council) approved an order to designate certain areas of reserves as drug- and alcohol-free.

Public intoxication or consumption of alcohol in the areas identified in the document below is not permitted. The Liquor Control and Licensing Act is enforceable on-reserve and the Nation has requested the local police enforce it and reinforce community safety in these areas relating to any drug or alcohol use.

View the zones


Bylaw 16 for the Preservation, Protection and Management of Fish

Click to view Bylaw.

Dog Bylaw Enforcement

Dog bylaw enforcement on-reserve focuses on educating Members about responsible dog ownership. Dogs found running at large, unlicensed dogs, or dogs that have inflicted an unprovoked bite on a person or another animal will be seized and impounded. Fines will be imposed on the owner and unpaid fines will be taken out of Distribution if necessary.

To contact the Animal Control Officer, please call 604-889-3271.

Sen̓áḵw Zoning Bylaw

Click to view Bylaw.

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