Events Calendar

We look forward to the opportunities to come together as a community. Check out the calendar for in-person gatherings, online events, and more.

The Weaving Unveiling Celebration

The community of Squamish Valley will be unveiling family weavings to commemorate 100 years since Squamish villages amalgamated to become Sḵwx̱wú7mesh Úxwumixw. Each family will have their woven blanket hanging […]

People’s Assembly | July 2023

Nexwsxwníw̓ntm ta Úxwumixw (Council) is pleased to invite you to a People’s Assembly in the evening of Friday, July 28, 2023. This Assembly will include a presentation on the Squamish […]

August Distribution

Pick-up for August Distribution cheques will take place on August 3 and 4, 2023 from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm at the following locations. Both are open during the lunch […]

August Distribution

Pick-up for August Distribution cheques will take place on August 3 and 4, 2023 from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm at the following locations. Both are open during the lunch […]

August Food Sharing

Ayás Mén̓men will be distributing burger and corn packages to our community members. If you have any questions, contact Tannis Louie at 604-971-1140 or North Vancouver | pick-up Friday, […]

August Food Sharing

Ayás Mén̓men will be distributing burger and corn packages to our community members. If you have any questions, contact Tannis Louie at 604-971-1140 or North Vancouver | pick-up Friday, […]

Diabetes Clinic Squamish Valley

Yúustway (Health & Wellness) is hosting a clinic to inform Members about diabetes. The first day will consist of a dinner and presentation, followed by diabetes screenings and testing the […]

Diabetes Clinic Squamish Valley

Yúustway (Health & Wellness) is hosting a clinic to inform Members about diabetes. The first day will consist of a dinner and presentation, followed by diabetes screenings and testing the […]

Chén̓chenstway (Upholding One Another)

Chén̓chenstway (Upholding One Another) Cultivating Experiential Wisdom of the Mind, Heart & Spirit in Community. This learning group will draw from Indigenous oriented Focusing Therapy, Trauma Informed Care, mindfulness and […]

Menopause Workshop

Menopause Workshop Come and learn how to manage perimenopausal symptoms by alternative approaches. Includes both naturopathic and clinical solutions. Registration opens: August 28 at 1:30 pm and closes September 8 […]